Keith was kind enough not only to meet me, but he also took me down the road in his vehicle pointing out every spot he could in order to keep me fully informed. This is something I don't take lightly. I think the Steelhead reward this kind of behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if Keith hooked up on his next few trips.
Well, we fished a few good runs until Keith had to leave. The water was big enough to cast the spey, but many times, I found myself leaving part of the skagit head in the rod on the smaller runs. Fishing this mountain stream was quite the contrast from the river I fished last week.
After Keith took off midday, I headed upstream and fished a few spots he had suggested. One of the runs looked perfect. I put on a black and blue intruder and ten casts in my line just sort of stopped. I lifted pretty hard and sure enough, it was a fish. He left the top of the pool and headed for the bottom. He stopped at the tailout and I was able to work some line in and get a good look at him. It was a really nice sized fish. Just as I was making some ground, he took off back downstream, splashed on the surface and my hook popped out.
I fished another hour or so with no grabs. I wanted to get out of there before dark so I called it a night and headed back via some logging roads. I think its safe to say, I'll be back.